Journals | Zeitschriften (peer reviewed)
Radauer, Alfred; Searle, Nicola; Bader, Martin; The possibilities and limits of trade secrets to protect data shared between firms in agricultural and food sectors; in: World Patent Information; S. 1 - 12; 04/2023;
Aplin, Tanya; Radauer, Alfred; Bader, Martin; Searle, Nicola; The Role of EU Trade Secrets Law in the Data Economy: An Empirical Analysis; in: IIC - International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law; S. 1 - 33; 04/2023;
DanPrud'homme, Dan; von Zedtwitz, Max; Thraen, Joachim Jan; Bader, Martin; Forced technology transfer policies: workings in China and strategic implications; in: Technological Forecasting and Social Change; S. 150 - 168; 02/2018;
Bonakdar, Amir; Frankenberger, Karolin; Bader, Martin; Gassmann, Oliver; Capturing value from business models: the role of formal and informal protection strategies; in: International Journal of Technology Management; S. 151 - 175; 01/2017;
Research reports | Forschungsberichte (peer/editorial reviewed)
Radauer, Alfred; Bader, Martin; Aplin, Tanya; Konopka, Ute; Searle, Nicola; Altenburger, Reinhard; Bachner, Christine; Study on the legal protection of trade secrets in the context of the data economy; Forschungsbericht; Laufzeit des Projekts: 01.02.2021 - 31.07.2022;
Books | Fachbücher (peer/editorial reviewed)
Gassmann, Oliver; Bader, Martin; Patentmanagement - Innovationen erfolgreich nutzen und schützen; 5. Auflage; Springer Gabler; 08/2024;
Bader, Martin; Süzeroglu-Melchiors, Sevim; Intellectual Property Management for Start-ups - Enhancing Value and Leveraging the Potential; 1. Auflage; Springer Nature; 02/2023;
Gassmann, Oliver; Bader, Martin; Thompson, Mark James; Patent Management - Protecting Intellectual Property and Innovation; 1. Auflage; Springer Nature; 01/2021;
Book chapters | Fachbuchkapitel (peer/editorial reviewed)
Thraen, Joachim Jan; Bader, Martin; Key Success Factors in Nurturing and Sustaining 21st-Century Technology Clusters; S. 1 - 12; in: Joachim Jan, Thraen; Christian Hugo, Hoffmann; Successful Technology Clusters in the 21st Century; 1. Auflage; Walter de Gruyter; 06/2025;
Radauer, Alfred; Bader, Martin; Aplin, Tanya; Nicola, Searle; Konopka, Ute; Altenburger, Reinhard; Bachner, Christine; Trade Secrets as a Complementary Tool to Patenting in the Data Economy of the 21st Century; S. 1 - 22; in: Nikolaus, Thumm; Knut, Blind; A Modern Guide to Patenting; Challenges of Patenting in the 21st Century; 1. Auflage; Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd; 02/2025;
Bader, Martin; Stummeyer, Christian; Innovation und geistiges Eigentum in KI-basierten Geschäftsmodellen; S. 293 - 323; in: Lars, Fend; Hofmann, Jürgen; Digitalisierung in Industrie-, Handels- und Dienstleistungsunternehmen; 4. Auflage; Springer Gabler; 06/2024;
Bader, Martin; Gassmann, Oliver; Patents in the Biomedical Sciences and Industry; S. 305 - 315; in: Markus, Hinder; Alexander, Schuhmacher; Jörg, Goldhahn; Dominik, Hartl; Principles of Biomedical Sciences and Industry; 1. Auflage; Wiley-VCH; 08/2022;
Bader, Martin; Innovationen im Handel nutzen und schützen; S. 171 - 192; in: Martin, Bader; Der zukunftsfähige Handel; 1. Auflage; Springer Gabler Wiesbaden; 05/2022;
Bader, Martin; Gassmann, Oliver; Patent Strategies in the Networked Economy; S. 247 - 264; in: Martin, Bader; Oliver, Gassmann; Connected Business - Create Value in a Networked Economy; 1. Auflage; Spinger Nature; 10/2021;
Bader, Martin; Stummeyer, Christian; The role of innovation and IP in AI-Based Business Models; S. 23 - 56; in: Martin, Bader; Christian, Stummeyer; FGF Studies in Small Business and Entrepreneurship; 1. Auflage; Springer Nature; 08/2019;
Conference Papers | Konferenzbeiträge (peer reviewed)
Searle, Nicola; Bader, Martin; Radauer, Alfred; Aplin, Tanya; Secrets as an Intellectual Property Protection Mechanism: Factual Secrets and Trade Secrets; Disclosure, Information Sharing, and Secrecy (DISS); 02/2025;
Searle, Nicola; Bader, Martin; Radauer, Alfred; Aiplin, Tanya; Degrees of Secrecy: Factual Secrets and Trade Secrets in Data; EPIP 2024 (European Policy for Intellectual Property); 09/2024;
Mozumder, Manisha; Willoughby, Kelvin W.; Bader, Martin; Süzeroğlu-Melchiors, Sevim; Managing Intellectual Property Along the Financial Venture Life Cycle of Start-ups; R&D Management Conference (RADMA); 06/2024;
Bader, Martin; Süzeroğlu-Melchiors, Sevim; Geistiges Eigentum (IP) als wichtiger Werttreiber für Start-ups und New-Ventures; PATINFO Proceedings; 07/2023;
Bader, Martin; Searle, Nicola; Radauer, Alfred; Aplin, Tanya; Informal and Formal Legal Secrecy Protection Strategies in the Data Sharing Economy; R&D Management Conference; 06/2023;
Radauer, Alfred; Bader, Martin; Searle, Nicola; Aplin, Tanya; Managing, appropriating and protecting shared data in open innovation – from open data to the use of trade secrets and other forms of Intellectual Property; EPIP 2022; 09/2022;
Magazines/newspapers/TV/Online | Zeitungen/Zeitschriften/TV/Online
Bader, Martin; Gassmann, Oliver; Intellectual Property Management: Handlungsbedarf für Vorstand und Aufsichtsrat; Audit Committee Quarterly; 11/2024;
Bader, Martin; Süzeroğlu-Melchiors, Sevim; Kleyn, Madelein; London, Sonja; Schaberg, Ulf G.; Wilkinson, Dallas L.; Navigating the Intellectual Property Maze - A Guide for Startups and Stakeholders; les Nouvelles; 06/2024;
Bader, Martin; Capturing value by combining formal and informal protection strategies; IP Briefs - South African Institute of Intellectual Property Law Council; 04/2024;
Bader, Martin; Süzeroglu-Melchiors, Sevim; F&E-Kooperationen zwischen KMUs und öffentlichen Forschungsinstitu-ten – Erkenntnisse aus den Ansichten von Investoren über die Bedeutung geistigen Eigentums (IP) für Start-ups; VPP-Rundbrief; 06/2023;
Bader, Martin; Radauer, Alfred; How IP management can nudge and influence strategic decision making; R&D Today; 02/2023;
Bader, Martin; Digitisation is creating new challenges for intellectual property; R&D Today; 02/2020;
Other activities | Sonstige Aktivitäten
Research Projekts | Forschungsprojekte
Study on the Legal Protection of Trade Secrets in the Context of the Data Economy; 2021-02-01 - 2022-07-31;
HEC Montréal: Coopération en matière de support à l'entrepreneuriat en intelligence artificielle et gestion des chaines d'approvisionnements; 2020-07-01 - 2022-10-26;
Research awards | Forschungspreise
Auszeichnung: Certificate; HEC Montréal; 2022-11-30;
Scientific advisory boards | Wissenschaftliche Beiratsfunktion
Special Issue Guest Editor: WPI World Patent Information (Elsevier); 01.10.2023 - 31.08.2025;
Editorial Advisory Board: WPI - World Patent Information; 01.01.2023 - bis heute;
Managing Guest Editor: WPI World Patent Information (Elsevier); 01.05.2021 - 01.03.2023;
Editorial Board: IJIPM - International Journal of Intellectual Property Management; 01.10.2010 - bis heute;
Scientific appraisal activities | Wissenschaftliche Gutachter-/Beratungstätigkeiten
Judge; Social Business Creation HEC Montréal; 01.07.2021 - 30.09.2024;
Jury-Mitglied; Gerhardt-Thommen-Innovations-Preis; 01.10.2019 - 31.12.2024;
Journal Reviews | Journal Reviews
World Patent Information (WPI); 15.11.2024;
R&D Management; 15.06.2024;
International Journal of Intellectual Property Management; 15.06.2024;
European Journal of Innovation Management; 15.11.2023;
Academic talks | Wissenschaftliche Vorträge (peer/editorial reviewed)
Fachvortrag: "Leveraging Intellectual Property in Data-Driven Innovation: Opportunities and Risks"; McGill Tech Trends Speaker Series; 03.12.2024;
Fachvortrag an der Universität St. Gallen (HSG); R&D Management; 05.11.2024;
Fachvortrag an der IMC Krems; Forschungskolloquium; 28.05.2024;
Guest Speaker; Bavarian Research Alliance – Québec/ Alberta/ International; 08.02.2024;
Fachbeitrag: "Geistiges Eigentum (IP) als wichtiger Werttreiber für Start-ups und New-Ventures"; Patinfo 2023; 16.06.2023;
"Reflecting on experiences from a Master of Science in Entrepreneurship and Digital Business program"; Stellenbosch University, Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences: Department of Business Management; 26.08.2022;
Panel; Global TechMining Conference 2021; 18.11.2021;
Panel; CIPCO: Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property Law; 13.09.2021;
"Managing Open Innovation & IP in AI based business models"; Emlyon Business School (Prof. Frédéric Delmar), Frankreich; 26.09.2019;
Academic chairs and reviews | Wissenschaftliche Konferenzen
Track Co-Chair, incl. Reviewer; R&D Management Conference; 19.06.2024;
Track Chair, incl. Reviewer; R&D Management Conference; 21.06.2023;
Themed Session Chair; EPIP 2022; 16.09.2022;
Moderator Round Table 'Hot Topic'; XXXIII ISPIM Innovation Conference; 08.06.2022;
Visiting Professor | Visiting Professor
McGill; Kanada; Montréal; 02.01.2023 - 15.04.2023;
Professional associations | Tätigkeit in Berufsverbänden und Gremien
Vertretung THI; AK IPM / quer.kraft (FAU Nürnberg); 01.04.2021 - 31.12.2024;
Vertretung THI; DECHEMA; 01.01.2018 - 31.12.2022;
Vertretung THI; EIRMA; 01.01.2018 - 31.12.2022;
Professional talks | Vorträge Praxiskonferenzen
4IPCouncil; IP and Startups: What, Why, How; 24.10.2024;
FICPI 22nd Open Forum; Riding the Wave of Progress: How Patent Law Firms Can support Their Clients' Innovation growth; 27.09.2024;
Tag der gewerblichen Schutzrechte 2024; Intellectual Property Management für KMUs und Startups; 17.07.2024;
Intellectual Property Strategy for Business (McGill/IPIQ); IP Strategy Framework; 07.05.2024;
LESI International Conference 2024; IP Management in the start-up ecosystem – a multidimensional stakeholder view; 29.04.2024;
START Global Summit St. Gallen; Unlocking Value: The Power of Intellectual Property; 22.03.2024;
Ingolstädter Patentgespräche: Innovationsbooster IP; IP-Management für KMU und Start-ups; 19.10.2023;
VPP Frühjahrs-Fachtagung 2023; F&E-Kooperationen zwischen KMUs und öffentlichen Forschungsinstituten – Chancen und Risiken; 05.05.2023;
Fachtagung «Software und Geschäftsmodelle patentieren?» Bayern Innovativ & DPMA; Die Orchestrierung von faktischen und juristischen Schutzstrategienfür Software und digitale Geschäftsmodelle; 10.11.2022;
Stand: 18.01.2025 05:00:03